Thursday 24 August 2017

Observational studies in watercolours - beach finds

Watercolour studies of beach treasures ©2017LisaLeQuelenec

Beach treasures collection IV  watercolour on paper 20x24cm approx   ©2017LisaLeQuelenec
No.4 has turned into a bit of a trial to photograph! Too much white and pale tones has made it difficult for the camera which just wants to emphasise the contrasts and not the subtleties. Hey ho...the picture above was taken at night using a desk lamp for light and is much closer to the painting.

I loved the marbling texture of the little piece of driftwood. It looks like a piece of old root that has been polished by the sea to a really smooth texture.

I seem to be finding lots of striped things at the moment; bits of pottery, striped pebbles and striped grain on driftwood.

Stripes from the shore sketchbook page ©2017LisaLeQuelenec

Friday 11 August 2017

Beach treasure; Collections III

Beach collections III   watercolour on paper 20x24cm approx   ©2017LisaLeQuelenec

I had hoped to have no. IV ready as well but it is quite pale and hasn't been easy to scan so will need a bit more work. I have been rather enjoying these and the concentration on tiny details.

No.III is also available at RedBubble